John Smith (1801-  1896) 1st of his family to arrive in America
Provided by John T. McWilliam,

    Once upon a time there was a comely youth named John Smith living in Northern Ireland, we believe in County Antrim.  He was about five feet ten  in  stature, with brown hair, fair complexion and blue eyes.  His parents were of  the "gentry" and his father a squire, belonged to that class which for years had enjoyed hard drinking, horse racing, and a good time generally.
    John Smith, born December 11, 1801, was ambitious to "read law" but  there was no money.  His father decided that the outlook for his son John was  poor unless the boy learned a trade.  Thus, against the boy's wishes, he was apprenticed to a weaver.  John rebelled against the "indignity" which other boys of his class were not subjected to, and despite the fact that it was difficult
to part from his mother whom he loved dearly, he decided to leave and seek his  fortune in the New World.  He came to this country on a sailing vessel, which  took about three months in crossing, and landed in Manhattan, which at that time was called New York City and was a small town.  He was then in his early  "teens". It was a time of great turbulence in Europe as the Napoleonic War was  in progress, which ended in the defeat of Napoleon by the English Wellington
in  1815 at Waterloo.
    Despite the fact that he was a stranger here, he found no difficulty in   securing employment.  Reared  as a member of the Church of England, he did not  forget his early training and became active in church work.  Although young, without relatives or restraining influences, he was self-reliant, capable, and  lived a wholesome industrious and God-fearing life.
    He became interested in the opening of a mission and Sunday School "far  uptown" at 28th Street and 9th Avenue, and when the property was bought, it was  placed in his name, as he was one of the few who had already attained his  majority.  A church later was established called the Church of the Holy Apostles on the southeast corner of Ninth Avenue and the 28th Street, Manhattan.
John  Smith was appointed the first Warden, and for many years he was the Senior  Warden.  The original church which was built on the property is still in use.   It celebrated its one hundredth anniversary in 1944.  However the mission
dates  back to 1832 or 1833, according to the present rector.


        No doubt John Smith was lonely at times, as he missed his family and his home.  He became acquainted with one, Mrs. Sarah Dodd nee French, a widow who  had had four or five children by one Dodd.  Sarah French was also from the north of Ireland and had at one time lived in New Jersey.
    She was a brunette, and was described as most vivacious with a beautiful neck and arms.  One of her idiosyncrasies was her dislike of an incomplete set  of china.  Hence when one piece of a set was broken, the entire set was  relegated to the kitchen, and later, given away.  She was said to have a "green  thumb" and could make any flower grow.  Because she superintended the taking up  of her own bulbs in the Fall, she was criticized by her women neighbors as  engaging in unladylike activity.
    Sarah French Dodd was the owner of a milk business.  She took John Smith into her concern, became greatly attached to him, and described him as the most  honest man she had ever known.  Although she was eighteen and one-half years his senior, having been born on May 16, 1783 (sixteen years before the death of our  first president, Washington), she and John Smith were married in this city on  November 21st, 1827.  He was 26 years old and she was 44!
    John Smith tool over the management of his wife's business, which  prospered.  In those days, land north of fifty-ninth street was open country,  and their cows were pastured in the fields near what is now the southern part of Central Park.


        Meanwhile, the Smiths bought as appreciable parcel of land running from  thirtieth to thirty-first street, in what later became the two hundred block on  the West Side of Manhattan.  The South wing of the Main Post Office building is  now opposite the property.  At first they lived in a house on the thirtieth  street side of the  property which apparently had been the original
farmhouse.   Later they built a brick high-stooped house consisting of three stories and  basement, and containing fourteen rooms, two baths and a toilet in the basement.
     The number of the house was 242 West 31st Street.  This was the family home for many years.  It was here that Sarah French Smith died on November 19, 1866, at  the age of 83.  She was buried in the plot which her husband had bought far out  "in the country" in the Trinity Cemetery at 156th Street, west of Amsterdam  Avenue, Manhattan.  When the thirty-first street property was sold to the  Pennsylvania Railroad, about the time the "new" station was being erected, the  deed to the Smith property ran back to 1848, according to a grandson, Dr.  William H. McWilliam.
    In the late eighteen eighties, a new home consisting of a four story and basement brownstone house was bought by John Smith at 16 West 96th Street,  Manhattan.  It had fourteen rooms, three baths, and a toilet in the basement.   Here John Smith lived until his death in 1896.


        Now, John Smith and Sarah French had but one child, a daughter, whom they named Sarah Ann.  She was born on July 1, 1830, when her mother was  forty-seven years of age.  In those days, it was considered a great feat for a  women to bear a child so late in life!  The little girl had her mother's almost  black hair, brunette complexion and dark gray eyes.  She was the "apple of
her  mother's eye" and grew up with every advantage.
    When she was twenty-two or twenty-three years of age, she met a tall,  slight blond, blue-eyed young man who at the age of 18 or 19, had come to this  city from Northern Ireland to make his way.  His name was John McWilliam and he  had been born in Coleraine, Ireland,  on November 12, 1829, the son of Robert  McWilliam and Jane Hill of Coleraine, or possibly of Listwatty Parish Balymena  Town, Ireland.  His two sisters had died in girlhood and unmarried.  His father, Robert McWilliam of Scotch Irish ancestry owned and operated a tavern.  It was  felt that such an atmosphere was not the best place for a child, so John
McWilliam was sent to live with his paternal grandparents, John McWilliam and  Margaret nee Stirling McWilliam.  To his grandmother, whose family had come from the environs of Stirling Castle, Scotland, John was always exceptionally  devoted.  Later on in his life, John McWilliam had a stone erected on the grave  of his parents in the graveyard of the Coleraine Presbyterian Church.
        As a youth John McWilliam had been taught carpentry.  He loved wood in  its natural state, and felt that was a mistake to hide the grain under coats of  paint.  For a time he  had attended the University of Dublin taking courses
in  architecture and building.
        John and Sarah were married in Manhattan on June 20, 1855.  He was  active in the Covenanter Church in this city, and was a elder in it and later in the Reformed Presbyterian Church, this city.


        By this time, John Smith, now in his mid-fifties, had become a  prosperous man.  He was very much the master of his own home.  His  step-daughters had married, had gone to homes of their own, and at their  marriage, each had received from him a gift of $500, which in those days  represented many time the buying power it does today.
        John Smith and his wife were favorably inclined toward their new  son-in-law, and they did not wish to be parted from their only child, Sarah Ann. So the newly married couple, John and Sarah Ann McWilliam, were invited to  share the commodious brick house at 242 West 31st Street.
        John McWilliam who was a sensitive, winsome but keen and capable person  with a subtle sense of humor, was able to adapt himself to the household, and  the group were happy together.
        As a young man, he is described as having had sandy hair with red  highlights, and a reddish beard.  After his hair turned gray, his mustache  became dark and his eyebrows almost black, so that his appearance was rather striking.  He was about five feet ten inches in height and weighed about 180 pounds, in middle age.  He carried himself very erect.  Though hot tempered,
he  was fair minded and of sound judgment.  He was quick to see the humorous side of things, enjoyed life and liked to meet people. His personality attracted others  who admired and trusted him.  He was most charitable, giving quietly to those in need, a ton of coal here or a $10.00 bill or clothing for a family there.   However, despite his great generosity, he left his wife an appreciable estate  when he died.


        Shortly after the marriage of John and Sarah McWilliam, there seems to  have been a little difficulty in adjusting church affiliations on the part of  Sarah Ann McWilliam.  In talking with her about this subject, she told me that  it was her belief that a wife should worship with her husband.  However, John  McWilliam was active in the Scotch Covenanter Church, while she was an  Episcopalian.
        She therefore informed the elders of her husbands church that she was  willing to join that church if she might continue at times to accompany her  father to the Church of the Holy Apostles.  The elders of the Covenanter Church  decreed that this was impossible, and Sarah Ann replied that she regretted that  their decision would keep her from joining their church.  So when the first  child  born to the couple was baptized in the Covenanter Church, Sarah Ann was  not permitted to "stand up" with her husband and first born.  Subsequently,  however, the elders went to Sarah Ann and informed her that they admired her devotion to her father and would not forbid her worshipping with him.  She  joined the Covenanter Church.


        At the time of John McWilliam's marriage, he with a partner was  operating a building business from his own shop.  However, circumstances brought it about that he had to give up his own business to operate for his  father-in-law.
        It appears that John Smith had gone on bond for his step-son, William  Dodd, who with a partner had contracted to open up Eight Avenue.  These  partners, however, neglected business and were about to fail.  In order to save  himself, John Smith had to take over the contract. Horses, carts and  paraphernalia, and fulfill it. This led to his becoming a contractor.
        John Smith knew many of the prominent people of his time.  Among them  was one, Walter Rome, President of the Manhattan Gas Light Company.  Rome urged  John Smith to find a market for the disposal of the by-product coke.  From this
there developed a successful coal and coke business for John Smith.   Subsequently, he was taken ill and then decided to retire.  His son-in-law, John McWilliam, continued to operate the coal and coke business in which in turn his  son, Robert McWilliam, was later associated for many years.


        The first child born to John and Sarah Smith McWilliam, on June 22,  1856, was named John Smith McWilliam.  He was of stocky build, with brown hair  and blue eyes.  He was a magnetic personality and as a consequence he made many  friends.  He became an attorney, having graduated from Columbia Law School. He  married Mary Wheaton, daughter of William Wheaton and Rachel Sayles, a beautiful brunette, in the Church of the Holy Apostles on September 13, 18833.  She used  to say with pride that one of her forebears had been an Indian princess.
        The second child died, and the first daughter born to the McWilliams on  March 11, 1858, was named Margaret-Jane, but was always known as "Jennie". She  had dark blue eyes, rather blond curly hair as a girl, and a very fair  complexion.  She was vivacious, sensitive, sympathetic and generous.  A graceful dancer, she studied painting and drawing and showed appreciable talent.  A  graduate of Hunter College in this city, she later spent a year at Vassar  College.
        On May 15,1884 at the Third Reformed Presbyterian Church, then located  at 23rd Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues, Manhattan, she married Reverend David Gourley Wylie, son of Robert Wylie and Eliza Jane Patterson of Belle  Center, Logan County, Ohio, a young Presbyterian minister, who had studied at  Yale Divinity School in New Haven, Connecticut, and was graduated from Union Theological Seminary in this city.  Later he took his Ph.D. at New York  University.  He became pastor of the historic Scotch Presbyterian Church then  located at the north side of 14th Street, about two hundred feet east of Sixth
Avenue, almost opposite the former site of R. H. Macy and Company.
        He was instrumental in moving the "Scotch" church to a beautiful edifice built on the southwest corner of 96th Street and Central Park West.  After  serving as pastor for about twenty-three years, he left this church, to become  General Secretary of the Board of Church Erection of the Presbyterian Church,  U.S.A . Subsequently, the building was torn down and the church housed in an apartment house built on the same site.  The name of the church was changed from the Scotch Presbyterian Church to the Second Presbyterian Church.
        The second daughter, born January 22,1860, was named Sarah for her  mother and grandmother, both of whom she resembled.  She was an exceptionally  pretty girl with dark brown hair, blue eyes and brunette complexion.  She also  was a graduate of Hunter College, and spent a year at Vassar College. On  February 17, 1885 at the Third Reformed Presbyterian Church, Manhattan, she  married Henry F. Miller, son of Ernest and Theresa Sophie Miller of this city.   A graduate of Columbia Law School, he became a brilliant attorney, who handled  several important law cases among them the Marie Marshall estate case in  Williamsburg, Virginia, as a result of which the law in New York State as well  as in Virginia was changed.
        For years the Millers made their home in a private house at 591 West End avenue, Manhattan.  After they sold that home, they lived in an apartment house  at 14 East 90th Street, Manhattan.
        The second son, Robert, was born to John and Sarah McWilliam on  September 13, 1861.  This was five months after the onset of the Civil War. As  a young man he had light sandy hair, blue eyes and later grew a beard which was  red.  His height was about 6 feet 2 inches.  He had a sunny nature and was said  to be the favorite of his grandparents.  He married Augusta Titus, daughter of  George and Susan nee Green Titus, of Bloomvale near Washington Hollow, Dutchess  County, New York, on June 14,1888 in Poughkeepsie, New York.  For many years they lived in a private house which they owned at 768 West End Avenue,
Manhattan.  He had served as First Lieutenant Company A of the Seventh Regiment  of the New York National Guard, which he left after contracting pneumonia while  serving at the Brooklyn Trolley Strike.
        The third daughter was Mary, born September 29,1863, also during the Civil War.  She was an attractive curly haired, blue eyed girl, full of life,  sociable and outgoing.  She was educated at Miss Comstock's School.  She married Wallace Doud Barkley, a New Yorker, on October 15,1884 in this city.  His  mother, Phoebe Jane Fulton was closely related to Robert Fulton of steamboat
fame.  The Barkleys lived for years in their own private house at West 84th  Street, between West End Avenue and Riverside Drive, Manhattan, and later bought a colonial house with grounds, on South Street, Stamford, Connecticut.


        Now, while Sarah Ann and John McWilliam were preoccupied with bearing and rearing their children, events were moving forward in the outside world.
    The Civil War which began on April 12, 1861 was to last until April 9, 1865. As the was continued, John McWilliam felt that it was his duty to enter active service with the Union Army.  Sarah opposed his leaving her with several small children.  He compromised, and became a sergeant with the Fifth New York Volunteers, a National Guard Unit, and drilled recruits in this city.
        During the war many incidents of violence occurred in New York City. A colored man was found hung upon a lamp post in the neighborhood of West 31st Street.  Some unknown persons, whether from malicious mischief or because they suspected that the Smiths and McWilliams might be sympathetic to the South, ran up a Confederate flag on the roof of 242 West 31st Street.  An excited crowd gathered, but it was luckily dispersed, and the offending flag was removed, before damage or injury could be done.
        John Smith and John McWilliam began to consider finding a place in the country where Sarah Ann and her children could be taken, if life in the city became to dangerous.  In pursuit of the objective, John Smith journeyed 75 miles up the Hudson River to Poughkeepsie, and eastward past Arlington along the Dutchess County Turnpike, past a red sandstone milestone which read:
3 Mi to Poughkeepsie Court House
    A few hundred feet past the milestone, on the left side of the Turnpike, he bought a farm of 113 acres, which an old stone house near the road.  The farm which had originally been part of the De Garmo family holdings, ran north from the road in a gently rising slope, so that the farthest piece called the Back Lots, gave a beautiful view of the foothills of the Catskill Mountains and was said to be the highest point in Dutchess County.  At the top of the hill a cold
sparkling spring bubbled up.
        Meanwhile the McWilliam family continued to increase.  The year that the Civil War ended Sarah McWilliam bore her sixth child, Samuel, in 1865.  In 1987, the seventh child named Annie was born, and on September 5, 1869, William Henry came along.  That same year, 1869, Samuel died at the age of four years, probably from diphtheria, and in 1870, Annie, then three years old, died of the same disease.  This left William Henry, a sturdy child with dark hair and large blue eyes, as the youngest.
        Gracie, born in 1871, was always described by her mother, Sarah McWilliam, as her most beautiful baby.  She died the same year that she was born of diphtheria, for which at that time neither cause nor remedy was known. Isabell, born June 28, 1872, died the following year, also from diphtheria. The eleventh child, an unnamed girl, died shortly after her birth, in June 1874. This left William Henry, the eighth of the eleven children, again the youngest.
        William H. McWilliam, M.D., was graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1895, and was connected for many years with the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital in this city and also with the Polyclinic Hospital, as a nose and throat specialist.  He married Helen Nelson Cochran of Manhattan, daughter of Thomas Cochran and Angnes Strachan in Manhattan on June 9, 1898.


        From the time that the farm was bought in the latter part of the Civil War, each Spring the family moved to it and stayed until late Fall.  For a while they lived in the old stone house, and later in a colonial cottage across the road, and a little westward, until a spacious three story modern "high ceiling" house could be built, a considerable distance from the Turnpike, on a rise above
the stone house, which was then demolished.  The new house, designed by John McWilliam, contained thirteen rooms and a bath for the use of the family; and toward the rear, six rooms with a separate entrance for the all-year-round home of the farmer and his family.  The main stairway and the stairs were paneled in three woods, mahogany, ash and walnut.
        The new house was called "the big house".  Eastward at a good distance were carriage house and stable with box stalls and harness room, a corn crib, a barn with hay mow, and a complete carpentry and tool shop --- all on the upper level; on the lower level, stalls for cows, a barnyard and a pig pen; chicken houses stood off at a distance.  There was also a cider press.  Between the house and the barn were 8 or 10 beehives as bees were a hobby with John McWilliam, who handled them without gloves or netting but was never stung.
        Besides fields of wheat, oats, corn, etc. There were well kept berry and vegetable gardens, grape arbors, an apple orchard and other fruit trees.  A herd of ten to fifteen cows was kept and the milk sold in high metal cans at whole-sale for a few cents a quart.  It was told of John McWilliam that when one of his cows was found to be tubercular, he had the entire herd killed,
although not required by law to take such drastic action.
        In addition to the horses for the farm, the three daughters and the sons had saddle horses.  Elderly John Smith tool great joy in racing his fast Morgan horses, Bob or Nagy or Lalla, at a race track eastward at Washington Hollow, and also on the speedway, New York City.  However, it was said that he never gambled on these races.
        After their marriages, the three daughters, Jennie Wylie, Sarah Miller and Mary Barkley and their families were given the use of the houses on property acquired by their father, on the Turnpike toward Arlington.  The houses used by the Millers and Barkleys were colonial, but the one used by the Wylies was newly built.  Subsequently, after the Millers and Barkleys spent their summers
elsewhere, when their children were older, David G. Wylie bought first the Miller house, and, after renovating it, sold it and bought the Barkley house. The Wylies spent their summers there until 1909, when they bought property in Stony Brook, Long Island to be nearer to open water.
        When the sixteen cousins, all grandchildren of Sarah and John McWilliam were young and lived nearby or visited the farm, they played together as one big, closely-knit family.


        Sarah Smith McWilliam was devoted to her grandchildren.  When her granddaughters visited her home in the winter-time, she would inquire as to the number of petticoats they wore, and would caution them against the cold. It was a standing custom for Ava, the Swedish cook, to bake a four-layer chocolate cake on Saturdays, so that when the grandchildren stopped in on Sunday afternoon, each might have a large slice of the delicious cake.  At Christmas and birthdays, "Grandma" McWilliam gave each of her grandchildren a silver spoon or a fork, mostly of Tiffany Colonial design, and Grandpa gave each child a $5.00 gold piece.  When the grandsons married, "Grandma" filled out their sterling silver tableware and when the granddaughters married, she gave them each a check which paid for a silver tea service and a wedding dress.  At first, the silver pieces were not appreciated, but in later life, the recipients agreed that "Grandma" was a wise woman.


        John Smith meanwhile was growing old.  His grandson, Dr. William H. McWilliam, describes him as strong-featured, with a good jaw, rather high cheek bones, a good sized straight nose, and large eyes.  He was broad, deep-chested, narrow-hipped, with long arms, rather large hands, and small feet.  Because of his high arches he always had his "boots" made to order.  On a Sunday, he wore a black broadcloth suit, trousers opening at the sides, a high collar with stock, and a black cape lined with satin.  He always carried a gold-headed cane. In 1896, when in his 96th year, he died at his home at 16 West 96th Street, Manhattan.  He was buried in the Trinity Church plot at Amsterdam Avenue and 156th Street.  He left a considerable fortune to his only child, Sarah McWilliam.
        Three years later, on March 12, 1899, his son-in-law, John McWilliam died at the same address, and was buried in the same cemetery.


        Sarah Ann McWilliam, now in her 68th year, mourned the loss of both her father and her husband.  However, her son Dr. William H. McWilliam, and his family continued to live with her, so she was not alone.  She continued to spend her winters at her city home at 16 West 96th Street, Manhattan, and her summers on the farm.  However, as the First World War loomed on the horizon of the United States, she remembered her experiences in the Civil war and decided to give up her city home and move to the Farm.  Her son William and his family accompanied her.  She enjoyed splendid health until 1919, when at the age of 89,
she suddenly suffered what apparently was a ruptured appendix, for which it was felt she was too old to be operated upon.  She died at the farm on September 17, 1919 in her 90th year, and was buried in the Trinity family plot.
        About two years later her son, Dr. William H. McWilliam, bought the farm from her estate.  However, he later sold it to take a smaller house at Moor's Mills, Dutchess County, New York, where he continues to make his home, the only surviving child of John and Sarah Smith McWilliam.


        Now to continue with the history of the six McWilliam children who grew up and married:  John Smith McWilliam died March 14, 1893, in his 37th year, and was buried first in the family plot at Trinity Cemetery, but after the death of his wife, Molly, his remains were buried beside her in Delhi, New York.  John Smith McWilliam and Molly Wheaton had one daughter, Grace Wheaton McWilliam born on March 29,1885.  She is the granddaughter of John McWilliam and the great-grandchild of John Smith. She married in this city on October 21, 1903, William Allison Duncan, a banker, who later became vice-president of the Farmers
Loan and Trust Company.  At present the Duncans live at 156th East 79th Street, Manhattan.  The Duncans have five children who are the fifth generation of Smiths and the fourth of McWilliams: John Vernon Duncan, born November 5, 1904,
Helen Duncan Pain, born November 22, 1906, Frederick Gellan Duncan, born April 24, 1911, Christine Stirling Morrison, born August 2, 1917, and Jean Wheaton Duncan, born December 8, 1925.
        John Vernon Duncan by his first marriage to Margret Parsons on June 30, 1933, has one son, Michael Stirling Duncan, born July 3, 1936.  After this marriage was dissolved by divorce, he married Ula Tenney on February 23, 1945, and has two children, Helen Hollis Duncan, born June 5, 1947, and Peter Stirling Duncan, born July 28, 1951.
        Helen Duncan married Hugh E. Paine on November 24, 1928.  They have two children, Hugh E. Paine, Jr., born September 19, 1930 and Molly Wheaton Paine, born June 11, 1936.
        Frederick Duncan married Janet Mullan on March 8, 1938, and they have a son, William Mullan Duncan, born September 21, 1944. Christine Duncan Married Eric Hall Morrison on October 3, 1940, and they have three children, Linda Hall Morrison, born July 22, 1941, Jean Wheaton Morrison, born June 26, 1946 and Ann Stirling Morrison, born March 17, 1948.
        The fifth child of Grace and Will Duncan, Jean Wheaton Duncan has
not yet married.


        The oldest daughter of John and Sarah McWilliam, Jennie McWilliam Wylie, died at the age of 52 on November 4, 1910 in the Manse of the Scotch Presbyterian Church at 10 West 96th Street, Manhattan.  She is buried in the Wylie plot at Kensico Cemetery, New York.  There her husband, Reverend David G. Wylie, Pd.D., D.D., who died in Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, in August of 1930, is also buried.
        The Wylies had five children. Who are the fourth generation of the John Smith's family and the third of John McWilliam's; Howard McWilliam Wylie, Jennie Dwight Wylie, David Roswell Wylie, John McWilliam Wylie and Robert Stirling Wylie. Howard, born July 12, 1885, in his grandmother's "big house" on the farm, was graduated from New York University in 1906, as a mechanical engineer. For years he was the Vice President and Sales Manager of the Nash Engineering Company of South Norwalk, Connecticut, in which city, for the most part, he made his home.  He died there on December 26, 1944, and is buried in the Wylie plot in Kensico Cemetery.  He had married Alice Hutchinson in Manhattan on August 1, 1918, by whom he is survived.  They have one daughter, Virginia Lawrence Wylie, born in Manhattan on August 10, 1919.  She is the fifth generation of the
Smith family in New York and the fourth of the McWilliam family.
        Jennie Dwight Wylie, known as "Jane", was born in Manhattan on March 20,  1887, and was graduated from Barnard College, Columbia University, in 1909. A social service worker, she served with the Y.M.C.A. Canteen in the First World War, later with the American Red Cross Home Service and its liaison office at the Veteran's Bureau, Manhattan.  Subsequently, she was with the Personal Service Department of the Veterans' Bureau, and still later with the Association for the Improving the Condition of the Poor, which is now merged with the Community Service Society.  She has been attached to the Court of General
Sessions in Manhattan, as a probation officer, for the past twenty-five years. She and her brother, David, live at the Hotel Croydon, 12 East 86th Street, Manhattan, and have a home in Stony Brook, Long Island.
        David Roswell Wylie was born in Manhattan on January 3, 1889.  He was graduated from New York University in 1911 with a B.S. degree and later received a degree in Civil Engineering from the same University.  In 1916 he was graduated from  Princeton Theological Seminary, where he won the William Henry Greene Fellowship in Semitic Philology.  He was pastor for 25 years of the Bethany Presbyterian Church of the Bronx, New York City.  He served in World  War I as a Chaplain in the U.S. Navy, and in World War II as Chaplain in the U.S.  Army and is retired from the Reserves, Army of the United States, with the
rank of Colonel.  He married Frances Phraner in Summit, New Jersey, on May 26, 1934. They had no children.  She died on June 20, 1945, in Stony Brook, Long Island, and is buried in the Wylie  Plot in Kensico Cemetery.
        John McWilliam Wylie, March 21, 1892, died at 10 West 96th Street, on September 17, 1910 of "black diphtheria", six weeks before the death of his mother.  In his 19th year, he was a youth of great promise.  He also is buried in the Wylie plot in Kensico Cemetery.
        Robert Stirling Wylie, born January 5, 1899, at 10 West 96th Street, Manhattan, left Stevens Institute, Hoboken, New Jersey, to join the United States Army Ambulance in December, 1917, during the First World War.  He was attached to the French Army, which awarded him a Croix de Guerre.  He married Marjorie Kirkpatrick Powell Flack on June 28, 1924 in Manhattan.  They have
a son, Robert Stirling Wylie, Jr., born April 13, 1925, unmarried, and a daughter, Jane Dwight Wylie, born August 2, 1929, who married Joseph Ruperti  Marshall at the Brick Presbyterian Church, Park Avenue, Manhattan, on October 14,1950. These two are the fifth generation of Smiths and the fourth of the McWilliam family.  Robert Stirling Wylie, Sr. Served also in the Second World War and was awarded the Legion of Merit by the United States Army.  He is a Colonel, in the U. S. Air force Reserve.  He, his wife and his son now make their home at  1060 Park Avenue, Manhattan, and Stony Brook, Long Island.


        Sarah McWilliam Miller died at her home, 14 East 90th Street, Manhattan, on February 28, 1937.  She is buried in the Miller plot in Kensico Cemetery, as is her husband, Henry F. Miller, who died at the Lake Placid Club, New York, in August of 1951.  The Millers had two children, Robert McWilliam Miller, born in New York City on December 21,1885, and Marion Miller.  Robert Miller was a graduate of Columbia Law School.  His first marriage was to Marjorie Coolidge Lawrence, by whom he had one daughter Margaret Neil Miller, born October 11, 1912.  "Peggy" Miller's first marriage to James Chalmers ended in divorce.
They had one son, Henry M. Chalmers born February 13, 1938, whose name was subsequently changed to Neil Halsey Chalmers.  Peggy Miller's second marriage was to Amos T. Ferguson..
        After the death of Robert Miller's first wife, he married Etta Schneider, by whom he had a daughter, Patricia Ann Miller, born September 8, 1925, and a son Robert McWilliam Miller, born August 18, 1927.  Later Robert Miller and Etta were divorced and Robert married Countess Emily Biritslofskiya of St. Petersburg, Russia, and subsequently Eleanor Johnston of San Francisco. By neither of these wives had he children.  He died in Palm Springs, California, on October 15,1943, and is buried in Riverside, California.
        Robert Miller, Jr. Married Shirley Peniston in 1948 and they have one child.  Marion Miller, born in Manhattan, on April 25, 1890, was graduated from Brearly School.  On February 17, 1917 in this city, she married David Bonner, a nephew of Robert Bonner, one time owner of the New York Ledger and also owner of the famous race horse "Maud S.".  David Bonner was a graduate of Princeton University.  The marriage ended in a divorce.  They have one son, Henry Miller Bonner, born September 20, 1922, unmarried, who makes his home with his mother at 14 East 90th Street, Manhattan, and at Loudon Woods, Rye, New York.


    The second son of John and Sarah McWilliam, Robert McWilliam, died in garden City, Long Island, on May 5, 1945, and is buried beside his wife, Augusta (who died in February, 1909) in the Nine Partners Cemetery, Millbrook, New York.
        They had three sons, John Raymond, Robert Earl and Townsend Titus McWilliam, who are the fourth generation of Smiths and the third of McWilliams. John Raymond McWilliam, born April 17, 1889, married Anna Crosby Anderson in New Canaan, Connecticut, on June 20, 1914.  They have four children, Reverend John Raymond McWilliam, born May 19, 1915, Franklin Anderson McWilliam, born October 12, 1919, Hope Lockwood McWilliam, born April 2, 1923, now Mrs. Russlee Ford, and Susan Titus McWilliam, born December 14, 1924, and now Mrs. Philip J. Stevens, who are the fifth generation of Smiths and  the fourth of McWilliam.
        John McWilliam and Anna Anderson were divorced and John McWilliam married Helen Burns, an attorney, in Christ Church, Methodist, this city on November 27, 1946.  There is no issue of the marriage.  He served as First Sergeant, Company B, 7th Regiment, New York National Guard on the Texas border  and was discharged in January, 1917.  John McWilliam, who is president of the Corn Exchange Bank and Trust Company, New York City, and his wife, Helen,
make their home at 50 Park Avenue, Manhattan.
        John R. McWilliam's seven grandchildren are the sixth generation of Smiths and the fifth of McWilliams.  Reverend John Raymond McWilliam by his marriage to Rosalind Secor in April, 1945, has two children, John Holt McWilliam born January 17, 1946 and Deborah Hope McWilliam, born April 14, 1949. Franklin Anderson McWilliam by his marriage to Claire Miller, has a daughter, Susanne Miller McWilliam, born January 27, 1944.  Hope McWilliam, by her marriage to Russell Ford, has two children, Russell Ford, Jr., born May 12, 1947 and Hollis Millington Ford, born February 28, 1950.  Susan McWilliam and Philip J. Stevens
have two sons, Philip J. Stevens, Jr., born December 5, 1948 and Edward Anderson Stevens, born August 17, 1950.
        Robert Earl McWilliam, known as "Rob", was born on January 18, 1891. He married Flora M. Durfee.  They had two sons, Robert McWilliam, born November 21, 1929 and Thomas Henry McWilliam, born January 24, 1933, who were reared by
their mother's family in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.  After his first wife's death, "Rob" McWilliam married a second time but there is no issue.  Rob served with the 18th Engineers in France during the First World War.  He died in California in 1948 and is buried with his parents in Millbrook, New York.
        Townsend Titus McWilliam, born October 8, 1892, married Alma Smith. He became Vice President of the Kings County Trust Company, Brooklyn, New York. He died at his home in Garden City, Long Island, on March 20, 1940, and is buried
beside his parents in Millbrook, New York.  He had two children, who are the fifth generation of Smith and the fourth of the McWilliam, Robert Townsend McWilliam, born November 19, 1916, and Helen Green McWilliam, born June 4, 1921. Robert T. McWilliam married Phyllis Hazelton, they had two children, John Townsend McWilliam, born September 6, 1945, and Janet Page McWilliam, born January 28, 1944.


        John Townsend McWilliam married Susan Hayes Rhoades, May 11, 1968 in Roswell New Mexico at Espicopal Church.  They have two sons, Townsend Channing Mcwilliam, born January 28, 1976, in Montgomery, Alabama in the Air Force hospital and Peter Rex McWilliam, born October 28, 1977, in Montgomery, Alabama at the same Air Force hospital.. John and Susan H. Rhoades divorced in 1980. John Townsend McWilliam then married his high school sweetheart, Susan Maire Franz on December 4, 1982 at Cross of Hope Lutheran Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They have no children between them.
     John Townsend McWilliam lived his early childhood in Hanover, New Hampshire.  His father Robert T. McWilliam had moved to Hanover to be close to his wifes parents, Sidney Channing Hazelton and his wife Marion Gould. John and his sister Janet were sent to Santa Fe New Mexico to live with Roberts sister, Helen Green Westcott and Roger Jacjson Westcott in 1961. Robert returned to New Mexico one year later after marrying Antoniet Marquitte in Brandon, VT. John attendted Harvey Junior High and Santa Fe High. He loved to swim and became a member of the swim club. He graduated from Santa Fe High in 1964 and went to
college at the University of  New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM.  He was a member of the Navy ROTC program.  He graduated from the University in 1968 as an Ensign in the Naval Reserves.  He married Susan (Sudi) Hayes Rhoades, of Roswell, NM
on 11 May 1968.  He missed his graduation so the family could drive to West Point to be present for Sudi's brothers, Second Lt. Richard Taylor Rhoades.


        Janet Page McWilliam married John L. MacKay in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the Church of the Holy Faith.  They have two daughters, Carrie Margaret Mac Kay, born July 13, 19  , and Sarah MacKay, born Jan 22, 19  .John and Janet McWilliam are seventh generation of Smiths and the sixth of McWilliam.
        Helen Green McWilliam married Roger Jackson Westcott and they had two children, Mary Linda Westcott, born and Jeffery Westcott, born. Roger Jeffery Westcott died on August 4, 1997 and is interred at the in Albuquerque, New Mexico. These grandchildren of Townsend Titus McWilliam are the sixth generation of Smiths and the fifth of McWilliam.


    Mary McWilliam Barkley outlived her husband by many years.  She died at St. Luke's Hospital, New York City , on June 25, 1945 and is buried in the Barkley plot in Stamford, Connecticut.  She bore twin daughters, Anna McWilliam Barkley and Margaret Sterling Barkley, on October 21, 1938.  Anna who married C. Milton Fessenden, died in Manhattan in March of 1938.  Margaret who married Arthur Packer McKinstry, died in Stamford, Connecticut, in April, 1914.  Neither twin left any issue.


    Dr. William H. McWilliam and Helen Cochran, (who died in May, 1920), had three children.  The first child was William Henry McWilliam, Jr., born November 23, 1900, at 16 West 96th Street, Manhattan.  A graduate of Cornell University, he married Lily Ey on June 18, 1925 in Manhattan.  They have two children, who are the fifth generation of Smiths and the fourth generation of McWilliam, Helen Susan McWilliam and Lois Nan McWilliam. William and Lily McWilliam are living in Cynwyd Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Helen Susan McWilliam married Albert Hartley and has two children, Bruce Hartley, born in 1948 and Susan Ann Hartley born on August 4, 1950, who are of the sixth generation of the Smiths and the fifth generation of the McWilliams.
    The second child of Dr. William H. McWilliam, Thomas Nelson McWilliam, was born on July 29, 1903, in Manhattan.  He married Mimi Boyd in Bronx County, this city.  They have one child, Pamela Boyd McWilliam, born July 9, 1947, and make their home at 235 East 22nd Street, Manhattan.  She is the fifth generation of Smiths and the fourth of the McWilliams.
    The Third child of Dr. William H. Barkley is Helen Smith McWilliam, born July 28, 1911.  She married George Minshall Painter of Philadelphia, on July 21, 1934.  They have two children, Helen Jean Painter, born September 16, 1939, and George Minshall Painter, born November 10, 1943, who are the fifth generation of Smiths and the fourth generation of McWilliam.  Of late the Painters have bought a new home at 33 Rosedale Road, Overlook Hill, Philadelphia.

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